Every man dreams of having his own mancave to escape a world of cares into a room of ‘all things man’. It’s something in our primitive nature to want to resort back to the solitude of our caves to eat, drink, beat our chests and grunt. OK maybe not all of that, but you get the jist. Because no mancave is complete without a Murphy Door, we are taking this week to pay tribute to the almighty mancave by counting down the top 10 coolest mancaves.
10. The Jock’s Lair
Alcohol, 5 screens to watch every NFL game on Sunday, and a wall paying homage to the men we have bro-crushes on. What more could you ask for in a mancave?

9. A Trekkies Paradise
Just think of it, a place where you don’t have to defend your love for sci-fi. Where having a crush on princess Leia is a requirement, and a safe place where pretending like you are Captain Picard isn’t considered weird.

8. The Future NRA Headquarters Mancave
Do you ever feel sad when you have to leave Cabelas? Well this mancave solves that problem! They created their own Cabelas. Besides, what is more manly than a display of all the animals you have proven your domination over?

7. Motorhead’s Fortress of Solitude
This mancave is going for it all, turning the garage into the mancave! Genius. Now after a hard days work, you can pull right into your mancave with your super manly hog, have a drink, and veg out to some Walker Texas Ranger re-runs or the Delta Force Trilogy, which ever Chuck Norris you like more.

6. Gamer’s Den
Now you can escape reality two levels deep. First you escape to your mancave through your Murphy Door, and then into the virtual gaming world.

5. Movie Buff’s Barracks
Who needs a movie theater when you have a room like this? It’s even economical. Just think, with all the money you will save on movie tickets and concessions, this room will pay itself off in a century or two.

4. Ladies’ Man Mancave That is an Actual Cave
Okay, so we had to put this one on the list. I mean come on, it’s an actual cave and let’s not forget how much women rock. So even though it might be nice to have a place for just the guys, sometimes it’s nice to have a little company. Can you think of a better setting for romance?

3. Old School Gaming Mancave
Foosball? Check. Pool Table? Check. A ton of arcade games? Check. A bar? Check! This Mancave is a salute to the sports (using the term loosely here) we can still excel at with beer guts, and aching backs, a place for just the guys.

2. James Bond Much? Mancave.
Who doesn’t want to walk through a secret bookcase door into a gamblers secret hideaway? It’s so James Bond it’s not even funny. All you need is a secret knock and password.

1. The Batcave
The Batcave? Uh ,yeah the Batcave. Can you think of a more ultimate mancave? Batman invented the modern mancave. Not to mention he enters the elevator to the Batcave through a secret door hidden in his bookcase; hence we are pretty sure Batman would be a big fan of the Murphy Door.

That concludes our top 10 mancaves. Stay tuned for next week’s top 10 famous hidden doors!